A Children's Picture Book as an American Cultural Artifact in the Fancy Nancy and Olivia Series

Predavanje 11.06.2019. | utorak American Corner Zagreb Početak događanja: 17 sati Knjižnica Filozofskog Fakulteta, Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb dr. Jennifer Miskec
"In popular culture, children's literature is adored for its cuteness and appreciated for its positive life-lessons. But to stop there, to not also consider children's literature as a cultural artifact, would be to overlook the cultural ideologies at play in the storytelling, characterizations, and asserted values. This talk considers those ideologies, namely those that underpin representations of girls and girlhood, bodies and behaviors, that, from production to reception, too often go unchecked. Popular American children's picture books such as the Fancy Nancy and Olivia series will be at the center of this discussion." (Dr. Jennifer Miskec)
