How are Poetry and Hip-Hop the Same, but Different?

Radionica 09.04.2019. | utorak American Corner Zagreb Početak događanja: 13,30 sati Kahlil Epps

The American guest speaker Kahlil Epps, Fulbright ETA, will give a talk titled How are Poetry and Hip-Hop the Same, but Different? 
On this occasion the American Corner will host a group of students attending extracurricular course on American Studies at Gornjogradska gimnazija and their Spanish peers visting the School as part of the Erasmus program. 

In his talk Kahlil Epps will define both poetry and Hip-hop. The students will expolre some examples of different music artists (given by the students) and talk about what the lyrics are doing. In this interactive presentation the students will try to figure out why they like some of the artists. The inspiring conversation will end with a little bit of writing of  their own poems.

The program is organized in collaboration with Gornjogradska gimnazija, the American Corner's partner in teaching American Studies to high school students. The students will share the experience of learning English and culture with their Spanish peers in this program designed to meet needs and interests of teens.