Meet the Diplomat

Susret 18.11.2019. | ponedjeljak American Corner Zagreb Početak događanja: 13 sati

As part of the Meet the Diplomat program, the American Corner hosts the American diplomat Richard Mei from the U.S. Embassy Zagreb.
Mr. Richard Mei will talk to a group of students from Prva gimnazija accompanied by their teacher Dunja Opatić.
Richard Mei is a career Senior Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State.
He has served under every U.S. President from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, mostly through Public Diplomacy, with positions involving public affairs, press/media, cultural and educational exchanges. Those jobs overseas include working in Japan, Burma (Myanmar), Brazil, Kenya, Serbia, and Bulgaria. Currently, he is assisting on a short term basis in Croatia after having completed a two year assignment in Kosovo. Prior to that, he worked on the Fulbright Program for Europe. Richard is a native New Yorker and worked in New York City government prior to spending most of the next 30 years living abroad.