Women in STEM in the USA: Srebrenka Robić, Ph.D. - My experiences and perspectives

Susret 28.03.2022. | ponedjeljak Knjižnica Augusta Cesarca, Šubićeva Početak događanja: 18:00 Multimedijalna dvorana + ZOOM + Facebook Live Srebrenka Robić, Ph.D.

Srebrenka Robić is a professor of biology at Agnes Scott College, a small women’s liberal art college in the greater Atlanta area.  Her current job involves teaching courses including microbiology, bioinformatics, and a seminar course with a study tour component, with focus on Croatia. Currently she is a Fulbright Scholar collaborating with the Bioinformatics Group at PMF Zagreb.

After graduating with the first group of International Baccalaureate (IB) students at MIOC in Zagreb, she completed the rest of her studies in the US. With undergraduate degree (B.S) in Mathematics and Mathematical Biology from Beloit College in Wisconsin, and a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California Berkeley, her training also includes a postdoctoral project with a Stanford-affiliated research foundation, and multiple workshops focused on science education.

We will talk about her career path, from a student of MIOC/IB in Zagreb, to being a Croatian international student at Beloit College in Wisconsin, first research experiences as an undergraduate student, to getting a PhD in molecular and cell biology at Berkeley, postdoctoral training, and current work experience as a teacher, mentor and researcher at Agnes Scott College. We will also discuss similarities and differences between Croatian and US model of science education, what it means to be a (successful) scientist in the 21st century and what are the opportunities and challenges for women in science in the US.

You can participate in three ways:
1. In the Library - seat reservation required by calling 01-2313-066 or  sending an e-mail on knjiznica.augusta.cesarca@kgz.hr
2. On Zoom - direct link or sending an e-mail on aleksandra.cvitkovic@kgz.hr
3. On Facebook Live - American Corner Zagreb