Women's Entrepreneurship: Maruša Stamać

Predavanje 18.01.2021. | ponedjeljak American Corner Zagreb Početak događanja: 16,30 Zoom Maruška Stamać

Maruša Stamać will give a talk on entrepreneurship entitled “If you can’t communicate and talk to people and get across your ideas, you’re giving up your potential“ in a series of talks and workshops on Women's Entrepreneurship organized by American Corner Zagreb. 
This is the second session in a series of talks organized in collaboration with the Association Glas poduzetnika (The Voice of Entrepreneurs).

About the entrepreneur:

Maruša Stamać is an experienced media and public relations professional with extensive experience in (investigative) journalism. She worked in one of the largest TV networks in the region.

After 10 years working in media, she wanted something new, so she started her own business - a media consulting company that offers broad communications services, like media and public speaking training and media relations consultancy.
Working closely with other professionals, from different industries, Maruša is helping them to create and maintain strong messages and achieve their communication goals with perfect media and public appearances.

In the past year, Maruša became the Head coordinator of the  Glas Poduzetnika where she is managing and coordinating the activities of 15.000+ members focused on entrepreneurship and the economy. One of her key responsibilities is maintaining regular relations with key stakeholders (Government, media, interested parties) and developing NGO's strategy. Also, she is managing a small but important team of exceptional professionals to get things done on an everyday basis.

About the Association:

Glas poduzetnika (The Voice of Entrepreneurs) is the Croatian association of micro, small and medium entrepreneurs, craftsmen, self-employed and other employees in the private sector whose main goals are proposing the necessary and urgent economic measures and reforms in order to accelerate economic recovery and create a healthy economic foundation for Croatia.