Opća skupština UNESCO-a na svojoj je 19. plenarnoj sjednici (2. 11. 2001.) usvojila Rezoluciju 20, kojom proglašava 10. studenoga svake godine Svjetskim danom znanosti za mir i razvitak (World Science Day for Peace and Development), s obzirom na to da znanost utječe na mir i razvitak i mora biti iskorištena za razvoj miroljubivog i skladnog društva.
Tekst rezolucije
Resolution 20 adopted by the General Conference
of UNESCO at its 31st session
20. Proclamation of World Science Day for Peace and Development1
The General Conference,
Having examined document 31 C/56,
Considering that science affects peace and development, and must be used for peaceful and sustainable societies,
Recalling UNESCO’s ethical mission to achieve harmonious and peaceful development,
Recognizing that the need for a new commitment between science and society has been established in the Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge, and in the Science Agenda – Framework for Action of the World Conference on Science (Budapest, 1999),
Recalling 162 EX/Decision 3.3.3 concerning the feasibility of celebrating a world science day for peace and development,
1. Endorses the view that such a celebration would be an asset for the Organization’s image and visibility, particularly in the context of the follow-up to the World Conference on Science;
2. Shares the conclusions of the study that the celebration of a world science day for peace and development is both feasible and highly desirable;
3. Decides to proclaim 10 November each year as World Science Day for Peace and Development;
4. Invites the Director-General to:
(i) develop the second option examined in the feasibility study;
(ii) contribute to the establishment and implementation of the World Science Day for Peace and Development;
(iii) support recognized national, regional and international activities undertaken as part of this annual celebration;
(iv) encourage Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutions, learned societies, professional associations and schools to take an active part in the event.
1 Resolution adopted on the report of Commission III at the 19th plenary meeting, on 2 November 2001.